Sunday, February 22, 2009

Elder Makechnie's first letter home.

Mom has received and email...

The MTC is great!!! My companions name is Elder Green. He's real cool...he's from North Carolina and  he's got a killer accent! My District is also amazing. I feel like I've known  these Elders and Sisters for SOOOOOOOO long! The food is okay (not like home  food). Sleep has not been a problem. I usually get to sleep on time and we usually get  up around 6:15-6:30. We're all tired...but we manage. By the way I highly recommend the movie Mountain of The Lord. I challenge you to  watch that movie, and if you don't feel abslolutely amazing afterwards I'll be  surprised. My companion and I have taught the first lesson 3 times so far. One of the times  was with mock investigators and it went really well. Elder Green was the one who  recited the first vision and when he did the Spirit was SOOOO strong. One of the  mock sister invesigaters was welling up. We actually think that one of them was  a real investigator, maybe, maybe not. Real men (Elders) cry. As much as I get embaressed when I do, I have found  myself in tears on many occasion. Also, I know that I don't need to be nervous  when my companion and I teach. This is not my work it is the Lords! If we are  teaching with the Spirit He WILL take care of the rest.

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