Monday, December 14, 2009


Tings here are are going really well as of this past week. We found 3 new is the mother of a less active named Glen (one n...and he is from New Hampshire...who knew)...we taught her the first lesson on thursday night. She didn't want to accept the baptismal invitation...but she said we could come back and continue teaching her.Are tracting efforts on wednesday yeilded 2 new investigators...The guy is an oral surgon and he knows our bishop who is a dentist. We taught them a lesson on the atonement and following the commandments...left them with 2N31 to read.One of our investigators Lori Krauss is getting baptized this saturday. YESSSSS!!!!!!2 of the people in our teaching pool are very promissing...they're both investigators from a part member family. One of them is Dan Nelson...because he came to church this Sunday his wife came to church for the first time in years. YESSSS!!!So tings are going well here in the way I'm in Fort one point it was ranked like 10th in the nation for best city/town....
Transfers are coming up here pretty soon...No Idea whats gonna happen.
TATE IS the time I get home he'll probably be hitting baseballs and throwing lacrosse balls around.
I'm glad you've secured a job! I'm glad you guys had such an awesome thanksgiving.