Monday, August 10, 2009

Several Posts... I'm a slacker!

Sorry.... I have neglected my posting duties! Here are several emails from everyone's favorite Elder.

-Glenn (The slacker)


The 4th went well then huh? Thats great that you were able to spend time with
Glenn, Kim and Tate. Good job on the town flag too!

I'm getting a new companion from Samoa named Elder Laofa. He comes here tonight.

Elder Taylor is getting transferred up to Loveland. He'll be a District Leader
and he'll be training a missionary straight from the MTC.

At the Bubars.jpg

This week went by in a blink of an eye!
Lots of awesome things happened!
The highlights for the week (investigator wise) are Fred, Robert and
Oscar!...All three are African American...I don't know why but a lot of black
people really like talking with us and we feel like we can relate to them. We
mostly fellowshiped with Fred. He's a cop. He's from Cincinati...I have no idea
how to spell that...and he can really talk! time we'll try our best to
get the first lesson in.
Robert...yesterday we taught most of lesson 2 to him because he seemd to have a
bunch of questions that related to this went really well. One thing
that Elder Leafa (Lay-off-uh) is really good at is testifying. He does it a lot
and with power and you know it really makes a difference...I've been doing
better at this because of him. People really know that we care about and meen
what we're saying.
Oscar and Cassandra...They had an experience with the mission
aries about 20
years ago when she needed a place to stay and other help. They really gave her
help without hesitation and she never forgot about them and what they did for
her. He has never forgoten it either. Now 20 years down the road here we come.
Elder Taylor was the one who tracted into them...they said come back later. Now
on friday we went to his house while he was painting and offered to help. He
didn't want us to help because we were dressed well. But it turns out the next
day he would need a latter and we were able to get it to him. When we delivered
the later we stayed and talked with him for about 2 hours (your not supposed to
do that)...but he was really attentive and asked a lot of questions. We gave him
a copy of the Book of Mormon and bore witness of it. We talked about topics from
the 1st, 2nd and 3rd lesson. He said he'd read. I beleive him! Next time we go
though well keep it to an hour.

Elder Leafa and I both gave talks on Sunday about member missionary work. My
talk was geared toward conversion and testimony and being an example. I talked
about Enos and how after he had recieved a remission of his sins he was
concerned about his bretheren the Nephites. We need to gain our own testimonies
each and every one of us. We need to let out lights shine and it says in 3Nephi
12:14-16. You cannot convert someone past your own conversion.



We have established a new investigator this week. We have to open/close with
prayer and have a return appointment to establish a new investigator. ...He's
really searching for the truth...he is eager to talk with us again. Yesterday
the things that we presented him filled in a lot of blank spaces for him...I
feel that as we go along in the lessons more and more blank spaces will be
filled up and he will gain a desire to be baptized.
We have another whom we are seeing tonight.

Things went very well this week. I love setting return appointments with people.
Members/Investigators/new investigators and so on.
We have recently been leaving members with the commitment to place a book of
mormon in the upcomming weeks. Ward involvment is key. New refferals will come.


This week went really well...We were able to find 4 new investigators.
I'm not one to focus too much on numbers, but we taight 21 lessons...maybe I'm just not a steller Elder, but thats a pretty good number atleast from what I've seen thus far in the Mission.

Two of the six new investigators that have developed here in the Buckley ward this Transfer are very promising. They really like it when we come and teach lessons. Oscar has told us that a lot of the things that he's learning are filling in the blanks. The questions that he's had all of his life are being answered.
Son Mason is the other man who seems to really enjoy us being in his home. Last night he said that some of the cob-webbs were being swept away. He said that he could feel something different about Elder Leafa and I. That was awesome.
Both of these investigators have said that they will pray to know if Joseph Smith is a Prophet, and if the Book of Mormon is true.
I'ts awesome to see when the message is really having an effect with people!
I think it's awesome when we extend that commitment to people. "Will you pray with real intent to know if what we have told you is true? If Joseph Smith is a prophet and if the Book of Mormon is true." Then we bare our testimony and tell them that we know that its true. Then we say... "Don't take our word for it. Pray for yourself to find out. Heavenly Father loves you and he well give you an answer if you ask in faith".
I think that when we present it in this way its very effective. They know that we're not forcing anything on them. They know that we know its true. They also know that because we know its true we know that Heavely Father will tell them that it is.

We've been getting into the rhythem.

This week was a lot of fun.

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